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General Interest - Technology



New York, NY, USA
Posted on Friday, May 24, 2024

Our Mission

Healthcare should work for patients, but it doesn’t. In their time of need, they call down outdated insurance directories. Then wait on hold. Then wait weeks for the privilege of a visit. Then wait in a room solely designed for waiting. Then wait for a surprise bill. In any other consumer industry, the companies delivering such a poor customer experience would not survive. But in healthcare, patients lack market power. Which means they are expected to accept the unacceptable.

Zocdoc’s mission is to give power to the patient. To do that, we’ve built the leading healthcare marketplace that makes it easy to find and book in-person or virtual care in all 50 states, across +200 specialties and +12k insurance plans. By giving patients the ability to see and choose, we give them power. In doing so, we can make healthcare work like every other consumer sector, where businesses compete for customers, not the other way around. In time, this will drive quality up and prices down.

We’re 15 years old and the leader in our space, but we are still just getting started. If you like solving important, complex problems alongside deeply thoughtful, driven, and collaborative teammates, read on.

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We'd still love to hear from you! As Zocdoc continues to grow, we are always looking to connect with those who are looking to improve the future of healthcare! Tell us what you're most interested in and your career goals at this time. If there's a role that we think might be a good fit now or in the future, we'll reach out!

About us
Zocdoc is the country’s leading digital health marketplace that helps patients easily find and book the care they need. Each month, millions of patients use our free service to find nearby, in-network providers, compare choices based on verified patient reviews, and instantly book in-person or video visits online. Providers participate in Zocdoc’s Marketplace to reach new patients to grow their practice, fill their last-minute openings, and deliver a better healthcare experience. Founded in 2007 with a mission to give power to the patient, our work each day in pursuit of that mission is guided by our six core values. Zocdoc is a private company backed by some of the world’s leading investors, and we believe we’re still only scratching the surface of what we plan to accomplish.

Zocdoc is a mission-driven organization dedicated to building teams as diverse as the patients and providers we aim to serve. In the spirit of one of our core values - Together, Not Alone, we are a company that prides itself on being highly collaborative, and we believe that diverse perspectives, experiences and contributors make our community and our platform better. We’re an equal opportunity employer committed to providing employees with a work environment free of discrimination and harassment. Applicants are considered for employment regardless of race, color, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, national origin, gender, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital or parental status, disability, veteran status, or any other class protected by applicable laws.

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